Inspired by Barbro Lindgren's books about Max, a toddler who loves putting things into other things, the babies had a brilliant time putting water into pots and pans, watering cans and jugs, and, let's face it, they loved getting the water
out too.
We made some connections today between Max's and our bath-times; we predicted what would happen if Max's wagon got too full and we tried working where Max's cookie had disappeared to. Could Dog have anything to do with it?
The water play was a lovely, messy, but quiet affair. Most babies would have been happy to splash about all day.
No songs and videos this week, but a list of the baby and toddler storytimes run in nearby libraries. Those are a great way to spend an hour with your little one while someone else provides the entertainment. All involves songs and stories, some add crafts into the bargain. Some you must book ahead, all are
free. Give it a go!
Dolphin’s Barn Library: Toddler and Carer Group
meet every Tuesday morning from 10.30am to 11.30pm.
Tel. 01 4540681
Rathmines Library: Toddlers at Twelve Parent and Toddler Group
meets every Monday from 12pm - 1pm. All welcome!
No booking required but places are limited.
Terenure Library: Toddler Time
every Tuesday from 10am - 11.15am.
Please note this event is run on a first-come basis and numbers are limited to 20 (children and adults).
Tel. 01 4907035
Walkinstown Library: Parent and Toddler group,
every Tuesday, 11.00am - 12.30pm.
Tel. 01 4558159
Ballyfermot Library: Baby Bounce
meets every Tuesday 11.00am - 12.00pm
Tel. 01 6269324 / 6269325
Tallaght Library: Toddler Time.
Every Wednesday at 11.30.