Back with the Writing Clubbers from 1st and 2nd class this week for more fun and crazyness!
As a warm-up and to shake the school day out, we played a game of narrative chairs. Never heard of narrative chairs? It's like musical chairs, but with a story instead of a song. In this case, we listened to
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure which you can read and listen to
Keeping in that vein, we then played two games of exquisite corpses, one with pictures and the other with words, which pushed us sneakily into grammatical territory... and toilet humour. Those two things are not mutually exclusive!

We had great fun trying to make sense of the nonsensical sentences we produced by writing one word each without knowing what came before or after each player's contribution. And even with something as random and weird, the beginnings of stories were already fizzing.
Finally we went back to our long-term project and looked at it from the point of view of setting. We were thinking about places where our stories could take place, drawing maps and jotting down ideas. We talked about setting our adventures in gardens, jungles, trains, in France, in Legoland, in Disneyland, in brains and drains... Each place featured details that may turn into plot points: baddies, obstacles, tornadoes, secret tunnels... It is as if the stories were already writing themselves.
Well done all and see you next week!
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